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RE: [WordPress-Brisbane] Hosting

From: Gal B.
Sent on: Saturday, 12 April 2014, 6:54 pm

Hi Pete,


VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, which means that the physical hardware resources (CPU, memory and disk) are allocated to more than one server.  It's not all yours, but this makes no difference.  It's just cheaper than a dedicated server.


Personally, I install WordPress by hand, because it's quick and easy and I can control everything, like the version.  Fantastico tends to install old versions, which then need to be updated, and you give it all the details you would give the database wizard in cPanel, so it's almost the same.


To make it easier, you can install WordPress and your favourite plugins into a cPanel account that you use to initialise new accounts, so that when you create a new account, the WordPress files are already there.  You just keep that "account template" up to date.






From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Pete
Sent: Saturday, 12 April[masked]:03 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [WordPress-Brisbane] Hosting


Hi All
I have a customer who is using WebCity for their hosting
apparently it is a
Managed Cloud VPS account which is costing about $70 a month.

Is this sort of $$ and account a good sort for a site that will sell a product online.
payment is paid thru a bank and then the order gets sent to them to fulfill.


Not sure myself what a Cloud account is but within it there doesnt seem to be even a fantastico
area so I can install Wordpress. Doesnt seem to have the standard cPanel either.

I am guessing  would have to do this the old manual way (hoping it will work)


Any comments from those in the know would help greatly



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