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RE: [WordPress-Brisbane] Hosting

From: Pete
Sent on: Saturday, 12 April 2014, 7:01 pm

Great thanks Gal.
Guess I will install via the hand.



> On 12/04/2014 6:54:21 PM, Gal Baras ([address removed]) wrote:
> > Hi Pete,

> VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, which means that the physical
> hardware resources (CPU, memory and disk) are allocated to more than one
> server.  It's not all yours, but this makes no difference.  It's just
> cheaper than a dedicated server.

> Personally, I install WordPress by hand, because it's quick and easy and I
> can control everything, like the version.  Fantastico tends to install old
> versions, which then need to be updated, and you give it all the details you
> would give the database wizard in cPanel, so it's almost the same.

> To make it easier, you can install WordPress and your favourite plugins into
> a cPanel account that you use to initialise new accounts, so that when you
> create a new account, the WordPress files are already there.  You just keep
> that "account template" up to date.

> Cheers,
> Gal


> From: [address removed]
> [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Pete
> Sent: Saturday, 12 April[masked]:03 PM
> To: [address removed]
> Subject: [WordPress-Brisbane] Hosting

> Hi

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