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RE: [WordPress-Brisbane] Help us keep meetups great!

From: Gal B.
Sent on: Wednesday, 20 August 2014, 11:47 am

Hey Sofia,


It's great you're getting behind the organisation.  I see Envato is providing sponsorship.  Does that mean we can also let them know how we feel about some things?  Maybe someone from Envato can speak?


If Andy (In-a-Day) is sponsoring, maybe the sponsorship page should also reflect that, not just the notices (or is this only for the sessions we got today?).


Great survey, by the way.






From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Sofia Woods
Sent: Wednesday, 20 August[masked]:43 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [WordPress-Brisbane] Help us keep meetups great!


Hey all,


We'd love to get your feedback about all the meetups that we host to make them better suited to you guys!


Please complete this short survey and tell us your thoughts about the meetups so we can get a better understanding about what you want from us.



Warm Regards

SOFIA WOODS | Creative Director

Shortie Designs

Web Design :: Digital Strategies :: Training & Consultation
m: [masked]

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skype: sofiawoods

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