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Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] re: error establishing database connection

From: Ili
Sent on: Sunday, 23 November 2014, 12:35 pm
Thank you, that's actually slightly reassuring to hear that the same issue is being experienced. 

What do you mean by reset the plugins folder, like how exactly?

I'm just googling the best way to deactivate/reactivate plugins via ftp. 

I'm actually having trouble getting to the dashboard so I'm using ftp and cpanel atm.

Thanks again,


On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Reide Iredale <[address removed]> wrote:

Had the same issue on friday. I jumped on and reset the plugins folder via FTP, logged back in to the dashboard and did a manual re-update to the new version and reactivated the plugins 1 by 1 (to make sure of plugin compatability) and was working nicely again.


23 November 2014 12:10 pm
Hi everyone,

I am freaking out! A website I have been working on which is hosted on hostmonster just auto-updated to the latest version of Wordpress yesterday.

Then it started timing out - so I could only load the website one time out of twenty tries.

Now it is saying "error establishing a database connection".

It was already quite slow (due to server load time, I checked in google speed test). 

There is a launch planned for tomorrow with customers coming for a function and a showcase.

The website is 

I am currently trying to back up the site files and just really don't know where to start with this.

Any and all advice welcome.

I am considering moving hosts today to VentraIP but I am just afraid to do that in case it goes wrong. 

Would really appreciate some advice.

Thank you,


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