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RE: [WordPress-Brisbane] wp-cron.php, loopback and other $%^# we have to deal with (advanced)

From: Pete
Sent on: Monday, 17 August 2015, 4:46 pm

Well you know what I would tell VentralIP if it were me??
( sorry cant say it on here)

> On 17-Aug-15 4:22:53 PM, Gal Baras ([address removed]) wrote:
> > Hi Dion,

> Good stuff.  I was wondering if this was possible, but none of the threads referred to it for some reason.  Will try #2.


> The shortest interval I can use is 15 minutes.  Is this going to affect my backups, which are split?  Do I need to change any BackupBuddy setting for this to work (like set it to classic mode)?


> Any thoughts on loopback errors?

> Also, InfiniteWP works OK-ish using curl, but their preferred method, fsock, is hopeless.  Does this point you in any useful direction?


> Pete, VentraIP and I battled it out for months.  They've basically told me to piss of or else, because I'm not paying them enough to justify the headache I'm giving them J


> Thanks again,
> Gal


> From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Dion Hulse
> Sent: Monday, 17 August[masked]:56 PM
> To: [address removed]
> Subject: Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] wp-cron.php, loopback and other $%^# we have to deal with (advanced)

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