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Woo Commerce Aus Post Calculator

From: Ryan A.
Sent on: Monday, 7 September 2015, 10:03 am
Hi all,

First I put this up on the discussion board already but I thought better to put it in the mailing list as I see a lot more activity in this area.

Have built an ecommerce website which uses woo commerce and has the official Woo Commerce Aus Post Calculator to automatically calculate the postage of the goods. Problem is that in many circumstances it just charges way too high! I am using signed and tracked parcels/satchels and using the combined shipping method based on the dimensions and weight. Has anyone else out there experienced this issue? 

The main issue is the combined shipping of items, that’s where the calculation methods seem to fall apart. I have given the box inner and outer dimensions as the same as you can’t even get this information from the Australia Post Office themselves and I don’t have time to go into a post office with a measuring tape and annoy everyone.

I talk to Woo Commerce support and they tell me its normal - I don't think we can agree on that, especially when postage can cost almost the same as the item. I'm just not getting anything out of the Woo Commerce support team that is really helpful. I can see there are many other plugins available and I’m seriously considering pushing for a refund and going with another option.


Ryan Archer | Web Designer & Developer
Coolwebs Web Design

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