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WordCamp Brisbane Is Nearly Here!

From: Ricky B.
Sent on: Wednesday, 5 July 2017, 8:55 am

Hey there Sunshine Coast WordPressers,

WordCamp Brisbane is fast approaching, in fact it is happening on the 22nd and 23rd of July and with less than 60 tickets left it is set to sell out soon, so if you are thinking of coming along you had better be quick.

For those who have never been to a WordCamp before and are wondering what all the fuss is about, it is a 2 day conference with 30 speakers that will present on everything from talks for new users right up to hard core dev presentations and everything in between, there really is something for everyone.

There is also heaps of networking opportunities, free food and barista made espresso coffee, you will get a free T-shirt, access to the off the hook after party on the Saturday night and so much more, all for the amazingly low price of just $50.

Do you have any AV experience, WordCamp Brisbane are looking for volunteers to help with filming the presentations for, check out the volunteers page to sign up:

Keep your ears open for a Friday-night meetup before WordCamp for the local community, details coming soon!

Hope to see you all there!