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(Wondering How to Do It?) Influencer Marketing : Proven 16X More Effective vs. Digital Advertising

From: Charlie S.
Sent on: Saturday, 17 August 2019, 6:30 pm

Professionally Curated Educational Materials

Learning Package Includes 3 PDFs Containing Your Deep Dive Into:

Fundamentals: How to Become Profitable with Influencer Marketing

✔️Exclusive* Meetup Member Price: $3.95

Non-Members: $23.95

*Time Limited Offer: 

Prices are subject to change without notice.


Get It Here:

Influencer Marketing.

An Opportunity to Refuse to Settle For Less Than You Deserve!

Critical Content. Ready to Activate. 

Curated by Industry Professionals, Not Robots.


Dear Member,

The beauty of Influencer Marketing is that it comes fully loaded with many profitable opportunities.

That it's easily customized and personalized and if done thoughtfully, it can result in a successful strategy for almost any type of business.

Today, influencers are everywhere!

With large and small, highly-targeted followings they are reaching customers that you need to get right in front of. That you must reach in order to justify the time and money you invest in marketing!

Influencers provide you with a direct bee-line to the customers who will, based on trust consider their recommendations about spending their hard-earned cash on your products and services. In other words, influencers have their attention -- the ultimate prize and hardest to win commodity within the digital landscape.

They are equally available to the small budget operation, as much as they are to the bigger brands. No matter where you stand on the money scale, influencers open doors to potentially amazing earnings by expanding your reach and driving sales through the roof!

How does $6.50 for every $1 spent compare to your current ROI?

According to numerous industry surveys that is the No. 1 reason why 80% of marketers are saying they use Influencer Marketing:

Simply because it makes them lots of money.

It's also the No. 1 reason why many more businesses, of all size, are planning to use or increase Influencer Marketing as part of their sales and branding strategies.

Ready to reap the benefits of Influencer Marketing’s proven high ROI?

Click here to see all available resources: 

Here's what else they're saying:

-- 65% are planning to increase their Influencer Marketing budgets because their results have been successful;

-- They use Influencer Marketing to reach many more, ready to buy now customers, and

-- They use Influencer Marketing to grow sales and increase their revenue.

But you’ve got to know what you’re doing before you get started.

And, getting started (preparation) is usually the biggest obstacle to building a successful influencer strategy!

To help you prepare our 3X3 Influencer Marketing trio has been specifically designed to give you TOP THREE carefully curated, definitive information sources that are actionable and necessary to overcome this challenge.

In order to quickly get you moving fast, our curation process was focused on the following concerns to help you become knowledgeable about Influencer Marketing. These include:

  1. Getting Started:

    What You Absolutely Have to Know Before You Can Create Your First Influencer Marketing Campaign

  2. Powerful Influencer Tools:

    Tools That You Need to Know About Because You Won't Settle for Less Than Fantastic Results

  3. Insightful Information: About The Obvious and NOT SO OBVIOUS Rules for Measuring Influencer Marketing ROI


Ready to reap the benefits of Influencer Marketing’s proven high ROI?

Click here to see all available resources: 


3X3 MARKETING SERIES LOGO THUMBNAIL.jpg  The 3X3 Marketing Series was created to give you guidance and a sense of direction.

Its purpose is to help you to stop wasting precious time searching, digging and sifting through the Internet while trying to figure out how to get things done! Each trio of information provided on every 3X3 topic consists of hand-picked, carefully reviewed, highly-instructive information that's been verified as actionable. Articles, eBooks, Whitepapers, Webinars, Videos, Blogs, Vlogs and other curated material are packed with a whole lot of reliable content that you can use within hours or days, if not immediately.


Sahdev Thakur 3X3 Content Curator THUMBNAIL.jpg  Sahdev Thakur has 15+ years of experience with business development and sales.

He specializes in helping B2B businesses build a scalable, predictable, and automated prospecting process, which consistently keeps the pipeline full of leads bringing in more revenue and giving you back your time. He is the Co-founder of three B2B businesses which have generated jobs for 300+ employees.

To contact Sahdev, connect with him on LinkedIn:

Zorka Marketing + Promotion  3X3 Content Curator THUMBNAIL.jpg  Zorka Marketing + Promotion has over 30+ years marketing experience.

Zorka is a certified inbound marketing professional who specializes in creating effective digital campaigns that dramatically decrease the time her clients spend on promotion while growing a profitable bottom line. She also manages events for a community of over 100,000+ professional Meetup members in the NYC area whose primary interests are business resources and networking.

To contact Zorka, connect with her on Linkedin: 


Ready to reap the benefits of Influencer Marketing’s proven high ROI?

Click here to see all available resources:


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