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Brisbane Upstarta meetup Tue 3 Dec 2013: incorporation, contractors & employees

From: Arjen L.
Sent on: Thursday, 28 November 2013, 10:06 am
Hi all

Do you do (sub)contracting, or do you (sub)contract out work?
Do you bill or get billed in hours?

If you answer yes to any of those questions, you'll really want to be at 
this meeting. All may not be what you thought, and it's important to be 
informed and organise things correctly to prevent problems later. It's 
not arduous, but getting it wrong can turn out very costly.

At this meeting, we'll cover information about incorporation (whether 
to, and how) as well as essential information on employees/contractor­s 
and how to figure out which is which.

When: Tuesday 3 December 2013, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Where: Toowong Library meeting room

RSVP at https://www.meetup...­

And remember, a time when some bigger companies go bust is actually the 
best time to start up a small business - if you set things up with a 
lower cost structure, you're in excellent shape to pick up a piece of 
the market, locally and possibly beyond!

Exec.Director @ Open Query (https://openquery....­) MariaDB/MySQL services
Sane business strategy explorations at https://upstarta.c...­
Personal blog at­