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I have 3 weeks between work. Does anyone have a job they would like completed?

From: Chris V.
Sent on: Monday, 7 December 2009, 10:59 am
Hello All,

Today I've found myself in a slight predicament in that over a 3 week 
christmas period I won't be working, and therefore I'll be available for 
freelance work yet again.

Does anyone have a small job that they would like completed or need some 
assistance on a current job? I am both a designer and php programmer who 
has experience in quite a few different technical areas, but it's best 
if you ask me directly as to what I can achieve before I start listing 
out the default answers.

My portfolio is quite out of date only 6 months in, so I have assembled 
a few designs of the websites that I have completed/are in the progress 
of completing that I have both designed and programmed/integrate­d 
personally. The link is as below:

I'm happy to drive out to anywhere in Brisbane over a 3 week period if 
required, except over christmas day/boxing day.

Pardons for those who may receive this email multiple times.

Cheers, and thank you for your time reading this.

Chris Vincent

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