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Looking for coding job

From: Parth S.
Sent on: Wednesday, 21 April 2010, 9:46 am
Hey guys,

I'm just sending a quick email to see if anyone is looking for a PHP/MySQL programmer atm. I'm looking for some work to do from home. Unfortunetly I cannot accept any offers that include going to an office or require me to travel to another location as I am unable to do that.

However I will provide detailed reports on the time I spend on the project. Everything is negotiable. Time Frame/Pay-rate/delivery date etc.

I have over 3 years of paid web development experience and will happily provide resume and other details if needed. I also have experience programming in other languages as well (c, c++, java) so if it is a more dynamic project then I'd be interested as well.

Please let me know if anyone's looking for programming hand :)


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