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Questions for Oracle

From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, 2 May 2012, 7:18 am
Hi All

I will be attending the annual Oracle Asia Pacific User Group leaders meeting again next month - this year they've split part of the meeting into 2 tracks, Oracle in one and Java in another. Some of the content is quite technical so there is a chance for me to ask some good Java questions of them.

Scanning through the Agenda there are sections on SE platform, EE Developing for Cloud, "Small" Java (not sure what that's all about - I'm assuming embedded/mobile), JavaFX and ADF (not my favourite, but happy to sit and listen). There's also someone from Mysql team and someone talking about Virtualization (this is good to see - last year they completely poo-poo'd cloud and virtual).

Anyway - the reason for this email is that if any of you have any questions you would like me to take to the meeting and ask - please let me know.

Anyone that knows me knows that I am an Open Source and unlike some at this meeting, I am not aligned to any vendor or anything so I already have some curly questions for them. Happy to take others from the group who may be working in other areas to me.... for instance I really know nothing about client side stuff any more and have never used JavaFX apart from the little demos they provide (prefer Griffon if I have to do client side).

Look forward to seeing everyone at the Hadoop meeting tonight. If you have RSVPd YES and are not able to come, please adjust your RSVP - we have a lot coming and need to plan for food, beer etc. Also, if anyone is late tonight and has trouble getting into the building (the lifts go secure at 6pm) my number is[masked] - drop me a txt and we might be able to send someone down to let you in (or better still - try not to be late!)


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