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What we’re about

Have you had vivid dreams? Have you had a spiritual experience? What do you recognize as a spiritual experience?  How have your spiritual experiences helped you in your everyday life?  Interested in finding out more about your own past lives and reincarnation? 

Meet other spiritual people who have had experiences like you. You can connect with other like-minded Souls and learn new ways of exploring your inner worlds.

Meet other locals who share profound and transformational personal experiences and discuss ways to incorporate spirituality into everyday life. We offer informal spiritual discussions, workshops and other events that will help you to explore your inner worlds and to thrive spiritually.

Topics of interest include:

Dream study, Waking Dreams, Past Life Recall, Soul Travel, and finding inner peace.

You can learn about simple spiritual exercises which can take you into a greater understanding about your own life and more.  Topics include: Finding Your Own Purpose, Letting Go of Fears, Creating Your Own Reality, Accessing Your Own Inner Wisdom, Spiritual Growth and Transformation, Masters and Inner Guides, How Past Lives Affect Us Today, Spiritual Wisdom on Relationships, and many more,

Eckankar is an ancient spiritual teaching and a modern-day religion that is a resource for all people, whatever their religious background, to make spiritual experiences an everyday reality in their life.

Request your Free Spiritual Experiences Book here:

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