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Fwd: Kits for sale + Robots

From: Steve D.
Sent on: Saturday, 19 May 2012, 1:44 pm

Hi All

Xinchejian have a whole load of electronics kits for sale.... all really good prices - here's some photos for those interested.

I've already bought a couple of arduino kits - they are like the sparkfun inventors kits but much better and cheaper - 300RMB which is about $45.

So many cool things I have learnt here..... would love to all to be here.

Let me know if there is anything you want they also have breadboards, wires, servos etc at ridiculous prices.

They have a really cool swarm robots project going on here - that I have joined the team on (will build mine today) and I am going to bring some kits back to Australia for us to build.... very cheap - work out about $5 per robot! (Usings at tiny AVR chip).

Photos of some of the things for sale are here:

Ricky is also just taken some proper pictures in the lightbox which he is uploading now


ps. We HAVE to get ourselves a lightbox.

Steve Dalton, President
Gold Coast TechSpace
3b/51 Johnston St, Southport, Q 4215
+61 [masked]

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