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Fwd: [HSBNE] I'm about to start stocking American extrusion grade filament - seeking Input on filament size and colors

From: Steve D.
Sent on: Tuesday, 19 March 2013, 11:40 am

Have a look on hsbne list if you want full discussion around filament.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "thejollygrimreaper" <[address removed]>
Date: 19 Mar[masked]:19
Subject: [HSBNE] I'm about to start stocking American extrusion grade filament - seeking Input on filament size and colors
To: <[address removed]>, <[address removed]>, <[address removed]>

Hi all,

As the subject title goes I'm about to start stocking filament from an American source,

- the filament will be available in pretty much any color and and in abs and pla in both 1.75 and 3mm sizes with a diameter tolerance of 0.05mm

- price wise we're looking at between up! and maker-bot oem prices and repraper prices,

also shipping will be free anywhere within Australia

what I need to know is what do you mainly use in terms of diameter, type and color?


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