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2014 NASA International Space App Challenge - starting Tuesday

From: David T.
Sent on: Sunday, 6 April 2014, 1:43 pm
Hi all fans of NASA and/or software development,

Silicon Lakes and GC TechSpace are running a Gold Coast event for the 2014 NASA International Space App Challenge 12-13th April (NEXT weekend) from 9:15am at Silicon Lakes / TechSpace in the Robina Community Centre.

Because it is the first year that it is run on the Gold Coast -
  1. We expect a range of skills and expertise, so don't be concerned if you are a beginner. Just turn up and watch, learn for next year and join in wherever you want to. Under 16? - you should be accompanied by a parent, and if there are sufficient of you, we can set up junior teams.
  2. If you can, come along to THIS TUESDAY night to the pre-challenge information night at TechSpace Robina community Centre at 7pm, so some of us can get as organised and informed as possible before the main event on the following Saturday and Sunday. We hope to get a few helpers/mentors on-board Tuesday night for the main event too. Please let us know if you can help.
Please book with us -
  1. here for Tuesday night, and
  2. for next weekend's Challenge event (12-13th) : register with NASA to participate in any way (even as an observer) in the Challenge. You will be able to do this up until Saturday morning, but the earlier you do it is helpful to us, for catering on the weekend if you intend to attend our Gold Coast event. Details of our program for next weekend's Challenge event are here. It will be refined during this week. If you cannot attend Tuesday night, you will still be able to join into teams or make up a new team on Saturday morning.
David Tangye, Gold Coast TechSpace
Sharon Hunneybell, Silicon Lakes

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