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Whadjuk Walk and Update

From: Marzio
Sent on: Tuesday, 7 November 2017, 5:58 pm
Updated information has now been posted for this Sunday's longer walk consistent with our series, in part following the Whadjuk Walking Trails, this being the penultimate one with the final Whadjuk walk in early December. Note this is an 0800 start (Laura that's when the big hand reaches twelve and the little hand reaches eight). Walk/talk for two hours followed by coffee/talk for another hour.

Anyone up for a swim at HBF Stadium or nearby Bold Park Pool, bikini, burquini or mankini is the order of the day.

Hope you are all enjoying the variety of walks as we lead up towards the end of year, hopefully something for everyone.

Probably need to consider recasting for some organisers/ assistants in the new year, feel free to join in and help, costs nothing and there is little or organise.


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