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Body Parts I & II: Official Opening

From: user 1.
Sent on: Sunday, 30 October 2016, 11:55 pm

Hi there, Photographers


Just a brief reminder about the Official Opening for the exciting Body Parts I & II photographic exhibition on Wednesday, November 2nd.

Described by the prestigious LensCulture website as "powerful”, “intense” and “rich with possibilities”, this collection of 37 studio-shot images has received multiple awards and is currently touring the UK in the 2016 Photographic Angle finalists show.



The images have been divided into two groups - Locked IN and Locked OUT - to explore themes of male/female sexual roles, emotional isolation and lost innocence.

Artist’s statement: “Using mannequins enabled me to examine these issues in great depth and to interact with my 'characters' in powerful and unexpected ways. It was a cathartic experience for us all!”


Drinks and nibbles from 6.30pm - see you there!


The Final Cut team

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