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Audience tickets now on sale for Melbourne's best new pitch event

From: Thomas A.
Sent on: Tuesday, 11 August 2015, 2:50 pm

Limited tickets are now on sale

Come watch Melbourne's top five Startups pitch for up to $50k in seed funding and get the chance to listen in on the investor decision process.

Get ready for a jam-packed evening of cocktails, canapés and watching five rising startups pitch their business ideas to some of Australia’s top investors.


With up to $50k of seed funding and a free R&D claim through on the table, you’re invited to come along to support the Startups, network and gain real-time insights into the investor decision making process.


Are you an entrepreneur or a startup founder?

This event is a chance to learn from the best and find out what investors are looking for. You’ll be privy to transparent real-time feedback and valuable insights you can use to your advantage for your own startup. You’ll also have the opportunity to rub shoulders with other entrepreneurs and investors from around the country.



Monday 7th September – 6:30pm to 10:00pm
PwC - Freshwater Place, 19/2 Southbank Blvd, Southbank, VIC 3006

[more info at]

Tickets are strictly limited and are selling out quick, so get in fast. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to gain first hand insight into investor decision-making and support your favourite Startup.


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