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English Speaking Club in JVC

Photo of lance mills
Hosted By
lance m.
English Speaking Club in JVC


Hi all!
My name is Lance, I am an English teacher from the UK and have just moved to Dubai.

I am thinking about planning to have a meet-up with people living here.

The idea I have is we can all meet up at a restaurant or something and have some Breakfast together and run an English-speaking club.

It can be a great way to get to know one another and practice your English!

There will be no cost of this except pay for what you want to order to eat.

Let me know if you would be interested in joining so I can book a place. I am currently in JVC so I will see what is around here.

Photo of English Speaking Club in JVC group
English Speaking Club in JVC
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Every 2 weeks on Saturday

Community Park JVC
LGC JVC · Dubai
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