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Win free 1 hr – Personal Coaching by “Tony Robbins” Rep @ Workshop

From: Peter C.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 5:15 PM

Our program Thurs 13 March will be a free “Tony Robbins Business Workshop” presented by Dragan Trajkovski – consultant to Fortune 500 companies. The topics will be:

Tony Robbins Business Workshop

1st Maximize your Business Success by mental, physical & emotional preparation

2 Keys to determine your Financial Success now & forever

3 Strategies to help achieve “amazing” results in your Business

4-ward Mindset to give you unfair competitive adventage & be unstoppable.

Hi 5 about how to Focus your Power to increase your Productivity.

Our speaker, Dragan Trajkovski works with Tony – who besides being a Consultant to Fortune 500 companies & celebrities – works with American Express, Bill Clinton, Hugh Jackman, Eva Longoria, Oprah, SalesForce, Serena Williams. All major media (ie, TV & Newspapers), use or promote Tony’s programs. Tony’s programs have reached over 4 million people from 100 countries around the world. Don't you want to find out what’s all the buzz about?

We meet at Denny’s, 2077 N. 1st St @ Brokaw (SJ Airport

7pm Networking & Dinner

7:30 Program till about 8:30

Please RSVP thru

When you attend you will receive a “free”

Tony Robbins Motivational CD !!!

+ the chance of 1 hr - Personal Coaching.

Bring a friend !!!