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What we’re about

[ If you're here and don't want to join this group.

I have listed (at the bottom of the description) some evergreen skills and book recommendations that should help you regardless of where you are in your journey of wealth creation.

Hope this helps, even though we may never meet. ]


Who are we?
- We are Entrepreneurs in the making
- Curving our pathway to self-actualization,

Becoming sovereign individuals through Leveraged jobs that provide us with the insights to build our own companies, building us freedom of finances and time.

Our Journey
Leveraged Skills -> Leveraged Job -> Intrapreneurship -> Entrepreneurship

Here's the journey I aspire to help you out with:

Phase 1: The vision-building phase & Lifestyle design phase
- Building our vision for our sovereignty
- Mapping out the pathway

Phase 2: Becoming Competent phase
- Acquiring skills to land leveraged jobs
- Understand the job search processes
- Land jobs aligned with our visions

Phase 3: Intrapreneurship & The start of active entrepreneurship
- Learn and apply core entrepreneurial skills in our job (practice intrapreneurship)
- We create enough skills to assess the probability of our success as entrepreneurs
- Learn to test out and validate different businesses
- Create solutions for the profitable problems
- Monetize the solutions

Phase 4: Full-time entrepreneurship
- Once the business generates enough revenue we steer ourselves to full-time entrepreneurs
- Create our freedom and sovereignty

The outlined journey ensures safety throughout the way.

I don't agree with advice like "Just leave your job and start".

People have families to feed and bills to pay.

A lot of other lives depend on a single life.

But hey, if that's your thing, go for it! You'll learn the fastest.


We'll start with the first step: The leveraged job search in technology

In the current job market, it has gotten tough to land a job in technology.

A lot of us are trying to embrace technology careers.

however, the biggest struggle is that we don't know how to pursue this opportunity, we feel demoralized due to the blockades like:

  • What should I learn?
  • I am constantly learning but not seeing any results
  • I have applied to 400 jobs but didn't get any responses
  • I don't know why I am being rejected
  • I don't know what I can do to improve
  • It's suffocating how much there is to learn
  • I am constantly losing motivation to continue this
  • Probably programming isn't for me

It pains me to see how many people are giving up on their dreams due to the lack of clarity, and also how many skilled developers are not receiving job offers due to a lack of understanding of the business domains related to software development.


I am an Ex@Meta Senior Engineer working as a Senior Developer in a marketing agency.

I have gone through each of those struggles myself.

Throughout my journey, I have identified all the things I have done wrong and all the things I wish I had accessible back then.

This group is for those on the same path. I know it's a lonely one, but this is where we might be able to feel a little less alone by taming our vision into reality.


The evergreen skills:

Whether you're waiting tables at restaurants, cleaning dishes, or working as a sales/customer service rep, you have opportunities to practice at least one of these skills in some form or shape:

  • Marketing & Sales aka Communication: Highest ROI for the rest of your life

Listening, Speaking, Writing and the psychology of persuasion.

These are the most important skills to learn, if you learn to sell and market, you won't be scared of any kind of failure, because of the nature of demand for these skills in the market. When you develop useful products, it's up to your marketing and sales skills that determine how well you're able to communicate the value you're creating for the world through your product.

  • Web design:

You'll need this skill quite a lot for any kind of entrepreneurship.
Web dev in many cases has gotten easier thanks to technologies like WordPress and web flow, but the requirement to learn what is an impactful design given a context requires skills.

Understanding user psychology and driving actions is the purpose of learning web design.

  • Content creation:

Graphics design, Video editing, and communication

These are the skills that will provide you with creative ideas on how to create media for engagement.

  • AI Prompting: This will make you execute faster

Tools like ChatGPTand Midjourney.

Learn to use them properly, it takes time to get good at these.

Anyone can go to google something, but there's a huge difference between googling something and finding genuine useful information.

The same applies to tools like chatGPT, the quality of output will depend on:

  • How well are you defining the problem
  • How well are you providing context for the problem that should be answered for
  • How well are you choosing datasets

These skills will forever help out in your journey.


Some things to be Cautious about.

There are a couple of phases for wealth creation and each phase requires to be treated in a certain way.

Most of the time, the advice we get is not the right advice for the phase we're in.

For example, you might be reading books on investing even when you don't have the money.

You might be reading on saving when you're not even spending too much, but still barely surviving.

You might be learning about which product to build, without learning about people who you'll be serving.

You might be learning about people who you'll serve before learning about who you want to serve.

  • It starts with you, understanding yourself.
  • Then learn about who you want to serve.
  • The how you want to serve them.
  • Then breaking down goals.
  • Planning them out into a roadmap and then systemize/optimize.
  • And then receiving money in exchange for the value.

If you want a summary and wisdom-dense video explaining wealth creation, I've found this video to be the most useful, and I revisit it once every couple of months.

It feels like I could've avoided reading 7-10 books if I had just found this video earlier in my journey:

In other words, it's:

  1. You understand your vision (You)
  2. You learn about the interest -> Get good at it and see who wants it (Target audience)
  3. And learn how you can build something out of it (Business)

Book recommendations:

Self Discovery:
You can go through self-discovery with the following books:

  • Mastery, by Robert Green
  • Man's search for meaning by Viktor Frankl
  • Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett
  • Start with Why by Simon Sinek
  • So good they can't ignore you By Cal Newport
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • 4-hour workweek By Tim Ferris
  • The Way of a Superior Man by David Deida

The People:
These are the books that'll help you understand people better:

  • How to make friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie
  • Presuasion and Persuasion by Robert Cialdini
  • Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks
  • Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


  • Oversubscribed By Daniel Priestly
  • Unscripted by MJ Demarko
  • Never split the difference - Chris Voss
  • Million $ Offer and Million Leads by Alex Hormozi

Money/Wealth books:

  • The psychology of money - Morgan Housel
  • The richest man In Babylon George S. Clason
  • The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

I look forward to seeing you in the upcoming events.