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This Meetup is for Personal Electric Transport users to meet and have fun having a ride around the city.

You'll see anything electric as scooters, unicycles, skateboards, onewheels and any new gadgets the members bring! <br>We may also arrange some trips by bus/train in future to discover new lands while riding ;) <br>Any person new to riding is also welcome to get some tips!


EUC, Scooter, uniwheel, monowheel, boosted board, onewheel, Koowheel, Gotway, Kingsong, IPS, Ninebot, Xiaomi, Gyrowheel, Evolve, Rockwheel, hoverboard, gyropode, uniwheel, e-scooter, e-board, e-skate, escooter, eskateboard, eboard, eunicycle, Kaly.NYC Trampa, Windgoo W11, Meepo, Exway, Speedway, Dualtron, FLJ, GW, Zero, wowgo, backfire, ownboard, mellow, skullboard, Harvoo, Arc Boards, Bolt, Atom, Teemo, Stark, Huboards, Riptide, Slick Revolution, Jed, Marbel, Enertion Raptor, Eon, Acton Blink, DIYElectric, Predator, Epic, Swagtron, Walnut Spectra, Juiced, Lou, Koowheel, Huboards, Stary, Metroboard, Yuneec, ZBoard, LHB, InBoard, MaxFind, Genesis, Onan Booster, I-Wonder, Ollin, LEIF Tech Esnowboard, LiftBoard, Nilox DOC, GOTRAX GXL, Razor, Nanrobot, Glion, speedway, m365, ninebot, e-twow, Ultra, Thunder, Ultron.