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Docker Training Workshop scheduled at Delhi-NCR for January 13-14, 2018

From: Nitin A.
Enviado el: martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017, 12:15

Getting Started with Containers on Docker Platform and Container Orchestration using Docker Swarm

Hello All,

Greetings for the day!

We have scheduled the hands-on Docker training workshop for 13-14th January 2018 (2 days/16 hours) at Delhi-NCR, India.

Complete details regarding the training workshop such as workshop outline, topics covered, pre-requisites, hands-on lab exercises is mentioned here:

Early Bird Registration Link for Delhi-NCR:

Note: the ticket fees includes Lunch and snacks along with Tea/Coffee during the training days.

Come, Join us for 2 days and become an expert on Containers (Docker Platform) as well as Container Orchestration Engine (Docker Swarm). 

Seats are Limited, register early to book your seat as well as avail 20% discount on standard registration fees.

If you want to know more about me, you can visit my website, or send me an email to [address removed].

Nitin Agarwal

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