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List of 200+ Startup Resources in Bogota

From: Jonathan G.
Enviado el: viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018, 12:37
Startup ecosystems can be fragmented and overly competitive, which can make a lot of the local resources available to entrepreneurs hard to find.

To make the Bogota startup ecosystem more transparent, we just published the first version of the “Bogota  Startup Ecosystem Canvas” at It contains a list of over 200 local startup resources, so we hope it is useful!  If you think we missed anything, please leave us comments in the Google Doc - this is a work in progress..

Also, we just wanted to remind you that applications to the Bogota Founder Institute are due very soon.

If you are interested in being considered for this semester, complete your application ASAP at, or check out our "Startup Office Hours" meetup next week:

- Startup Founder 101