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English Conversation Practice

Photo of Thor May
Hosted By
Thor M.
English Conversation Practice


Topic 192 - This Is How I Do It

Talking Points

1. What is something that you really don't like doing? Do you put it off [= delay doing it = procrastinate]? What is your method to force yourself to do it?

2. This is how I get to work ... [give a step by step description, including what can go wrong]

3. When you were a kid, how did you persuade you parents to let you do what you wanted to do (or have)?

4. When bureaucrats make life difficult (e.g. refusing to let you do something) what is your method for getting around them? Examples?

5. What is something you find easy to do and enjoy? How would you teach someone else to do it?

6. What is something you did in the past, but now think you can do it better? How would you improve outcomes now?

7. What is you method for learning a new language? Try to be detailed. How has your learning method changed since starting to learn English?
8. When you first arrived in Adelaide, how did you go about organizing your new life? What were priorities? What do you still need to find out about?

9. Think of a job skill or hobby skill that you have. How would you go about teaching it to someone else? Try to be detailed.

10. What is your general way to find out how to do new things? Try to give examples and be detailed. e.g. Do you prefer to talk to other people, or read instruction books, or watch Youtube videos ... etc.


  1. Your organizer (Thor) will ask for A DONATION OF $3 ($2 for online meetups). This is because Thor must pay the City Council $15 for insurance each time we use the Box Factory. Also every 6 months in New York bills him for about A$160 (depending upon the exchange rate). You can pay $3 cash, or use PAY ID, a phone app from any bank. Just enter Thor's phone number into PAY ID - 0479 154 831
  2. It is important to LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE COMING. Press the 'Attend' (RSVP) Button on your phone. Others are encouraged if they see more people are coming, so click 'attend' early even if you think you "might" come. Cancel quickly if you change your mind later.

Hope to meet you soon.

Photo of Adelaide English as a Second Language Group group
Adelaide English as a Second Language Group
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The Box Factory
59 Regent St Sth Adelaide · Adelaide
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