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New Meetup: Octoberfest 2010

From: Andreas
Sent on: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 3:11 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Europeans of Fort Myers and Naples!

What: Octoberfest 2010

When: Saturday, October 23,[masked]:00 PM

Where: German American Social Club
2101 SW Pine Island Rd
Cape Coral, FL 33991

Join us for the 25th annual Oktoberfest - Southwest Florida's largest Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest has its roots in Munich, Germany originating in the year 1810. During the month of October of that year, a royal wedding took place. Bavarian King Max Joseph decided that a royal wedding party for Crown Prince Ludwig who later became King Ludwig I, should be a party for all to remember. Indeed, it was a party that everyone did remember, evidenced by the fact that it became an annual event in Munich and it is known as OKTOBERFEST!

While OKTOBERFEST has evolved into what we all recognize it to be here in the U.S.A., the traditional concept is retained with the strong German flavor of its origin. The formula for an enjoyable, festive occasion is quite simple -- great food and drink, superb German style music, all together in an atmosphere that immediately imprints the mind with festivity!

Ticket prices: $6/person at gate, $5/person advance tickets (list to follow) - Children under 12 years are free - Free Parking !

The facilities are all located on 25 acres of the German-American Social Club grounds. A huge tent is in place for this occasion with two alternating bands located on two separate stages, playing continuous music for your listening and dancing pleasure and a very large dance floor is located between the band stages. One band is the featured band direct from Germany! The music never stops. Don't miss the "Chicken Dance" or other favorite music pieces.

Nearby, is the Bavarian Garden area with more musical entertainment. Several bands, including the Club's own HAFENKAPELLE, a 32 piece brass band will be playing your favorite folk music with another dance area for your dancing enjoyment. And raise your glass and sing along with everyone when the German musical toast "EIN PROSIT" is played.

Club members and guests will be dressed in traditional German fashion such as lederhosen or various colorful dirndl dresses.

Delicious food and drink - you will not go hungry -- or thirsty!

Traditional favorites as Sauerbraten or Schnitzel are served in the beautiful, air-conditioned clubhouse in the "von Steuben Hall". THE ever popular Potato Pancakes with Applesauce, Half Roasted Chicken, three different kinds of delicious German Sausages and more are offered in the Bavarian Garden.
Variety of ethnic food such as Italian Pizza or Greek Gyros also available.

To add to your fun filled experience at OKTOBERFEST 2010, there are rides and games available for people of all ages. The kids love to ride around the Club grounds on the "Oktoberfest Kidde Train". Try your hand at hitting the bell with the huge mallet. There is also a smaller version for the younger set.

Daily Prize Drawing for a round trip ticket to Germany with airberlin: Drawing on October 23 is from 9:00 pm - 9:15 pm. Entrance Ticket is your ticket to win.

Sunday October 24 & Sunday October 31: GRAND PARADE from 1:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Authorized advance Ticket outlets:
List will follow

Lastly, check out the official "Wiesn-Dictionary" in case you have a few friends you need to help get ready for Oktoberfest and explain some Bavarian to ;) The Wiesn-Dictionary

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