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Holliday greetings.......

From: user 3.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 24, 2013, 12:47 PM

Hey Guys,

With the holiday season upon us, I am delighted to announce that The Hub is now ready to accept its first official members!!!!

Just when it looked like we will not be ready for the end of the year with technical complications, once again our volunteers came through and made it happen. That is what humbles me and makes me proud of The Hub community.

I would like to thank Gene in particular, Cis, Wilma, Stephanie, Stefanie and Edwin for making this possible on time.

We have some great and an ever-increasing number of benefits for you. I invite you to check this and I sincerely look forward to officially welcoming you to our family.

I wish you and yours a very happy holiday season.

Cheers, Joost