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What we’re about

Football is huge in England and especially in London. While participation in 11-a-side football has been on the slide for a few years, 5/6/7-a-side football has been growing rapidly in popularity in recent years with more than 1.5 million adults playing it every week.

Whether you are a group of friends or just one person, finding a 5/6/7-a-side team is not difficult as there are plenty of websites to join leagues across London.

The problem is that nobody will want you in their team if you don't have much experience, in other words if you cannot play at a good intermediate or even advanced level.

You may be lucky enough to have played in a club in your youth, or just had football coaching at school, but if you haven't then how are you supposed to improve your football skills...?

Of course you can look for a coach for 1on1 sessions but according to our experience it is expensive and not really fun to train by yourself. So this is why we decided to create this meetup group, just so that our members can improve their 5/6/7-a-side football skills without the hassle of joining a (11-a-side) club.

We run two types of events:

  • Football coaching sessions that are held every Sunday at the Powerleague Centre in Shoreditch. The idea is to follow more or less the same structure each week i.e. dribbling/passing/skills/games (our coach will send you his coaching plan before the session, just so that you know what you are going to do beforehand). We also invite ‘guest star’ coaches or semi-professional players to share with you their experience and run some specific workshops. We cover a mix of individual/pair/group activities for you to really take ownership of your own progress, and we finish each session with games for you to practise whatever we focused on during the session. Please bear in mind that we have to charge you a fee to cover the cost of booking the pitches and pay our coaches/assistant coaches, we do offer discounts and free sessions for regular members.

  • Football games for our members to get more practice during the week. The idea is really to cater for all ability so even great beginners should be able to play and enjoy the games, that means we make sure our more advanced players show empathy (pass the ball!) and patience so that everyone gets the opportunity to practise the moves/strategies from the training sessions.

Please join our group if you can relate to all that and want to start working on your football skills! \

And just to be clear, this group is not for players with an advanced level who want to play 5-a-side football, if you want to do that then please join our other meetup group: or any other football (meetup or not) group.

See you soon :)


Facebook: (pls like us!)
Instagram: (pls follow us!)
Blog: (our story) and (our coaching sessions)