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Re: [Extremely-Shy-Looking-for-friends] DOXA!

From: Ramin S.
Sent on: Sunday, April 22, 2012, 5:16 PM
hello my friends
actually since rob brought it up I felt I should share this with everyone.
after 2 years of work we finished our documentary and it will be screening in DOXA on may 10th at 7pm in granville 7 cinemas. so it would be great if I could see you guys there too since we are planning a gathering with the crew and our friends which the location will be chosen later
so how about you just go to and get your ticket for that day so we all can hang out


On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Robert <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to mention that DOXA, the documentary film festival will be going on from May 4th to the 13th. There's a wide variety of documentaries going on all week and might be a good idea for a meetup. Feel free to organize your own meetup for a doc or let me know if there's a particular doc that you'd like to go see and I can probably organize it (however I can only attend on evenings or weekends because of work).

Here's the website for more info:



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Ramin Shadmehr

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