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Last Chance to Get your New Years Eve party ticket at the early bird price!

From: Ian
Sent on: Wednesday, December 28, 2016, 10:27 PM

Hello everybody. We're only a few days away from our meetup New Years Eve party so i thought i would send out an email to remind people that this is an event you don't want to miss!

This year we are hosting the event at the Bourbon in gastown. Despite the bar's country roots, you can rest assured that the music played is going to be of the general party music variety. Asides from the usual drinks, dancing and getting to know amazing people, we're also doing an icebreaker activity and for those of you, like me, who are less interested in dancing, there will also be games of pool, bocce ball, giant jenga, and many more going all night. We will also be giving out prizes throughout the night, but mainly early on while we still have exclusive access to the bar until 10:00.

For more information about this event, check out the event page here: and to buy a ticket you will want to go here: . Tickets will go up in price to $20 tomorrow afternoon so please buy your ticket as soon as possible to take advantage of the early bird price.

If you have any questions about the event then please feel free to respond to this email.

I look forward to celebrating the New Year with all of you! See you Saturday!



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