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A Job Offer

From: Arzu W.
Sent on: Friday, April 12, 2013, 2:28 PM



Firstly l think this is only available to Turkish speakers, sorry.

This is a job interview and do not need to read the rest if you are not in need for a job or know someone who needs.


I just copy and paste the ad since it is the compan ywhere a friend of mine works. You can contact her directly;

The company: PractiCall Call Center which serves Peak Games

Good level of writing in English (will need to reply the Qs from the users abroad)

Need to love playing strategy and boardgame games on computer

The working hours is: 18:00-02:00

Residing in the asian side since the company is in Üst Bostancı

Pls contact Ulku (NOT ME :)) ) at;

[address removed]
Tel :[masked]


Good luck!
