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Join John Sunday June 16, 9am for fast 8mi walk. Meet Genesee Park

Photo of John Reardon
Hosted By
John R.
Join John Sunday June 16, 9am for fast 8mi walk. Meet Genesee Park


Join me for a fast 8 mile walk Sunday June 16th, depart start point at 9:03am.
Meet in the parking lot for S. Genesee Park. 4316 S. Genesee St. This is on the south side of S. Genesee St, intersection with 43rd AVE S.
Bus 50 (and #7) serves this start point, or park in the parking lot. I wear yellow or white shirt and am near my small black car near entrance.
gps location= 47.56367333840836, -122.2796073579787

Map link:
Walk includes lovely Seward Park then Columbia City on return, where I plan to check out what is in the Columbia City Gallery for 10 minutes, always a fun stop.
Consider joining and becoming a walk leader like myself.
Dress for weather and see you Sunday at Genesee Park parking lot.

Photo of Feet First Walks group
Feet First Walks
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Every week on Sunday

Genesee Park and Playfield
4316 S Genesee St · Seattle, WA
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