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Louisiana Actor and Film Industry Expo SPONSORS Sought

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 7:39 PM


This year, the 4th annual Louisiana Actors and Film Industry Expo (formerly the Louisiana Actors Expo), returns to the Pan American Life Building Conference Center, September 28 and 29. Over the course of two days, the event will professional development and career opportunities for both aspiring and professional actors, writers, directors, producers and other filmmakers. Click for The Sponsorship packet. As I said, Actors Access/Breakdown Services and Back Stage are sponsors, and as of today, the New Orleans Mayor's Office is on board. If you know of businesses or organizations who might view sponsoring the largest film industry event in the Gulf South as a benefit, it will be great if you could pass this information on to them. They can reach me here at [address removed] or they are welcome to call me at[masked] . Thanks, again.

Shanda Quintal
Louisiana Actors Expo


Louisiana Actor and Film Industry Expo Sponsorship Packet