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Fw: Louisiana Entertainment Production Hotline

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Monday, September 28, 2015, 6:04 PM

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Amanda Hafford <[address removed]>
To: Amanda Hafford <[address removed]>
Sent: Monday, September 28,[masked]:00 AM
Subject: FW: Louisiana Entertainment Production Hotline

Amanda L. Hafford
Assistant Director, Louisiana Film
Louisiana Economic Development
T [masked]
F [masked]
Any general program guidance or preliminary advice contained herein is NOT a determination that any proposed expenditure will qualify to earn tax credits.  Our office will NOT make any qualification determinations until expenditures are made, audited and submitted for review and final certification.

From: Amanda Hafford
Sent: Monday, September 28,[masked]:55 AM
To: Amanda Hafford
Subject: Louisiana Entertainment Production Hotline
Importance: High
Good morning,
Please see attached the latest Production Hotline for September 28, 2015.
Amanda L. Hafford
Assistant Director, Louisiana Film
Louisiana Economic Development
T [masked]
F [masked]
Any general program guidance or preliminary advice contained herein is NOT a determination that any proposed expenditure will qualify to earn tax credits.  Our office will NOT make any qualification determinations until expenditures are made, audited and submitted for review and final certification.

This email message originally included an attachment.