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Filmonik Kino-Kabaret 2024: Short Films Screening party

Photo of Olivier B
Hosted By
Olivier B. and 3 others
Filmonik Kino-Kabaret 2024: Short Films Screening party


Join a group of thrilled and exhausted filmmakers all premiering a short film they've made in the last 72 hours in and around Kindred Studios with the help of many other participants and film artisans, all done without competition.

The Filmonik Kabaret is our yearly event, an all-you-can-film buffet of creativity where everyone collaborates on as many films as they can in a shared production space called the Kinolab at Kindred Studios. Lots of positive chaos and spontaneous expression happens in the 72 hours leading up to this premiere screening on Monday May 20 at 7pm. Some filmmakers will be editing up to just a few hours (minutes even) before screening. Expect comedies, drama, suspense, experimental films, action/horror films, some fun trashy films and short docos. Maybe some stop-motion, 3D animation and some films helped by AI but we never know in advance. Year after year the filmmakers impress and thrive in this collaborative environment with over 60 participants. It's a celebration of film, not a competition. No creative restrictions, no set teams. Come and enjoy the creative explosion. Short QA after the films give insight into the production and the madness of it all.
If you plan on attending the whole Kabaret event and make films, the separate Director and Cast&Crew tickets both include access to this screening so no need to buy another ticket.

Films are unrated therefore 18+ by default.
Door 6:30pm
Films start 7:15pm

Check our main Kino-Kabaret event to get more details about Kabaret and how to participate.

Photo of Filmonik Melbourne group
Filmonik Melbourne
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