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Special Webinar: "How to Raise Funding for Your Startup in Europe"

From: Jonathan G.
Sent on: Friday, August 19, 2016, 9:51 PM

Hey everyone - hope you are enjoying your summer!

On Tuesday evening we will be hosting a special free webinar called How to Raise Funding for Your Startup in Europe.

If you have a startup idea or are building a startup that may look for funding, then don’t miss this special event! It will be hosted by Adeo Ressi (Founder & CEO of the Founder Institute, 9X entrepreneur and investor), and feature special guest Reshma Sohoni (Founding Partner of Seedcamp – a prestigious London-based "first-round fund" that has invested in over 200 companies since 2007).

During this event, Adeo and Reshma will discuss why it has never been easier to raise money in Europe, how an entrepreneur can make their company attractive to European investors, and how the “Brexit” impacts European funding (and what you can do to prepare).

You can RSVP to the event here, and even if you can’t make it we will send you the video afterwards (however, if you attend the webinar you’ll be able to ask Adeo and Reshma questions).


- Startup Founder 101

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