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Want to Build an Enduring Company? Last Chance to Apply to the Founder Institute

From: Jonathan G.
Sent on: Friday, December 9, 2016, 9:40 AM
We just wanted to let you know that Sunday at 11:59pm is the Final Application Deadline for the Helsinki Founder Institute. If you are serious about starting your own company, then the Founder Institute may be right for you. 

The Founder Institute is the premier idea-stage accelerator and startup launch program for talented entrepreneurs. If you are up to the challenge, our comprehensive step-by-step program will give you the structure, mentor support, and global network of entrepreneurs you need to start an enduring company. In addition, the Founder Institute is the only program of its kind that accepts founders with day jobs and shares equity with all participants.

Meetup members are invited to apply for free at ($50 value)

The program will also be taught and supported by some of the area's top startup founders (, and previous graduates include some of the world’s fastest growing startups - like Udemy, iCarsClub, Realty Mogul, and many more. European FI Grads have raised over 40M euro:

Have a great weekend, and stay tuned for some more fun events!

- Startup Founder 101

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