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Generational Wealth Conference - March 9, 2013

Sent on: Thursday, February 28, 2013, 7:30 AM
Education, Networking, Prizes, Contests, Giveaways & Business Building
Saturday, March 9, 2013
10:00AM to 6:00PM



New Yorker Hotel
481 8th Avenue @ 34th Street
New York, NY  10001
Only $25.00 Admission
Register Today:

In this wealth building seminar you will learn:
  • The Psychology of Wealth
  • School of Personal & Business Credit
  • School of Small Business Ownership
  • School of Identity Theft & Fraud with LifeLock
  • School of Asset Protection (Wills, Living Trusts & Power of Attorneys)
  • Understanding & Eliminating Debt
  • The Types of Real Estate Investing for this Economy
  • About The Power of Leveraging Your Investments
  • Opportunities in the Free Enterprise System with Credit & Financial Protection Products
Why Attend the March2Freedom Event on March 9, 2013?
Not too long ago, the road which led to building up your net wealth was pretty straightforward.
Step 1 – Do well in school
Step 2 – Get a good job with a good company
Step 3 – Put in your 40 years and save 10% of you salary
Voila! By the time you retire, you have a lot of savings and can rely on social security as well as your pension to cover any shortfalls. It was an easy system which allowed you to be pretty passive. All you needed to do was put in a hard day’s work, and go home feeling totally secure.
Passivity and just showing up at work no longer pays what it used to. If you just show up at your workplace and expect your company to take care of you, you might be in for a surprise.
Relying on a safety net to take care of you is also no longer viable. Corporate benefits and pensions are being slashed left. Even the ‘Social Security’ future is uncertain. There are also more traps than ever before that can ensnare you and snatch away your wealth. These traps include get-rich-quick schemes, “easy credit,” adjustable-rate mortgages and rapidly depreciating assets, like new cars.
So this forces us to consider the question: Is it still possible to become wealthy and financially secure? If so, then how do you do it?
The answer is quite simple; the path to achieving financial stability is clearer and more open than, at any point in history. If you educate yourself and are proactive, there are more opportunities than ever to have a high level of success.
Contrary to the belief- “Money makes Money” you can achieve any goal (even financial prosperity) you set your heart on, as long as you are willing to take action and begin RIGHT NOW.
To make this a reality, there are certain conditions required to grow your financial wealth. All of these conditions are under your control and if you put them in place, financial success is practically yours.
Begin Writing the First Chapter of your Story Right Now
Join Us on March 9, 2013

Education is strength—so take some time and attend our March2Freedom Wealth & Empowerment Conference on March 9th. Your LEGACY deserves it.
Register Today:

Happy Investing,

REIA NYC (a National REIA Chapter)
(646)[masked] Office

Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 11:00am to 5:00pm

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