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[BEWARE]E-Mail Scammers Ask Your Friends for Money

Sent on: Thursday, February 28, 2013, 11:15 AM
A new scam (well not so new because it’s been around since 2007) is becoming more prevalent.It centers on hijacking innocent people's email, and sending fake messages asking for money transfer.
Our very own Sandra Ferrari, Team Leader REIA NYC is the latest such victim.
Someone cracked her email account, and sent an email on her behalf alleging that she is in Philippines for a program, we misplaced our wallet and cell phone on our way back to the hotel ... The email asks the recipients to send money.
After speaking with Sandra, we recognized this as IDENTITY THEFT!
If you received this email, please do not send any money.  Sandra Ferrari is safe in Brooklyn, NY.

So beware of emails from your "friends" asking for money! Also check the address after the name. In this case, it was not my Sandra’s address.

Happy Investing,

REIA NYC (a National REIA Chapter)
(646)[masked] Office

Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 11:00am to 5:00pm

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