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Hobie Pro Angler for sell to kayak fisherman

From: Mark R.
Sent on: Sunday, July 7, 2013, 6:49 PM
Hi everyone i have a 2010 hobie pro angler with turbo fins mirage drive for sell. kayak is in pretty good shape nothing broken and everything works fine.i bought it in 2011. i have added a hummingbird fish/depth/gps for anyone interested in that or i can remove it and knock a little off the price. i am asking $2100 for the whole deal that includes kayak,fishfinder,paddle,scotty rod holders, new set of turbo fins still in plastic. i have pictures on my phone i can text to anyone interested [masked] anytime before 10 pm. please no stalkers blowing up my cellphone lol! i can meet halfway from Camden,SC for anyone that wants to pay cash please and dont forget to tell your friends that are not on the meetup group. i need to sell it so i can get a different boat for touring with all you pro paddlers.  : ) i can meet for a demo also just bring your other kayak so i can paddle or peddle with you. i have pictures on my facebook if u friend request me if you are to scared to text me i promise i don't bite.
Mark Ray