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Spring 2024 PhotoTour to Yellowstone & Western Montana Ghost Towns

Photo of Jeff Donald
Hosted By
Jeff D. and Theresa D.


Spring time in the Rockies is spectacular. Wild flowers are in bloom, animals have emerged from their wintering grounds and dens, and the air is alive with the sounds and smells of the newness of spring. This PhotoTour will concentrate on the emerging baby animals including bison calves, elk calves, moose calves, bear cubs and wolf pups.

Yellowstone National Park is home to thousands of bison and elk. Every spring thousands of newborn calves and cubs are present and under the watchful of their mothers. The grasses are lush green and the snow capped mountains offer an amazing backdrop to this annual event.

The 7 day, 6 night PhotoTour will concentrate on newborn animals and southwestern Montana for the majority of the tour, with stops at the iconic features such as Old Faithful Geyser Basin, Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, Upper and Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River and more, before the return flight from Bozeman. Detailed itinerary is below.

PhotoTour cost includes all ground transportation, all entrance fees, photo instruction, pickup and drop off at airport. Discounts are available for FCCP members that have traveled with FCCP in the past.

Day 1 | Bozeman, Montana

You'll be met on your incoming flight by guide/photographers Jeff and Theresa Donald. Jeff know's this area extremely well, having lived in Bozeman and taught at the university in the early '80's. He spent up to 12 weeks each year in the '90's photographing a documentary about the Birds of Yellowstone and producing videos for the NPS.

Upon arrival and check in, PhotoTour travelers will have several hours to get settled into their rooms and explore the town of West Yellowstone. Dinner is as a group and includes a Q&A session.

Day 2 | West Yellowstone and Yellowstone National Park

Today the group will head off in search of newborn animals. The species are mentioned above and other numerous inhabitants such as Mountain Goats, Big Horn Sheep and numerous bird species will be encounter throughout the day. Lunch is in the park at one of the hotels and dinner will be after sunset in West Yellowstone.

Day 3 | Yellowstone National Park — Old Faithful Geyser Basin

Today is game and geyser day. We'll explore the park from West Yellowstone to Old Faithful in hopes of seeing Moose, Bison, Elk, Wolf, Pronghorn, Mule Deer, Coyote, Bighorn Sheep and other smaller mammals. We'll also be stopping at several unique types of thermal features along the way. We'll shoot a sunset before returning to West Yellowstone and dinner as a group

Day 4 | West Yellowstone — YNP

After breakfast we'll head into the park and head to the north and north east entrance to look for Grizzly Bears, Bison and Wolves. Time permitting we’ll stop at Mammoth Hot Springs to photograph the hot springs.

Lunch is in the park and we’ll be back in West Yellowstone after sunset for dinner.

Day 5 | West Yellowstone — YNP

Today we head over to the Canyon area of the park to photograph the Upper & Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River. We’ll also stops at several of the scenic overlooks to photograph the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Numerous animals will be encountered in the area. Lunch will be in the park and dinner will be in West Yellowstone.

Day 6 | Ghost Town — YNP

Today we have the option of visiting the historic Ghost Towns of Virginia City and Nevada City. We also have the option of heading into the park to check off any species we don’t encountered on the tour yet.

Virginia City was a boomtown of thousands of prospectors and fortune seekers in the midst of a gold rush. The remote region of the Idaho Territory was without law enforcement or justice system with the exception of miners' courts. In late 1863, the great wealth in the region, lack of a justice system and the insecure means of travel gave rise to serious criminal activity, especially robbery and murder along the trails and roads of the region. Road agents as they became known were ultimately responsible for up to 100 deaths in the region in 1863 and 1864. This resulted in the formation of the Vigilance Committee ( of Alder Gulch and the infamous Montana Vigilantes ( Up to 15 road agents were hanged by the vigilantes in December 1863 and January 1864, including the sheriff of Bannack, Montana and alleged leader of the road agent gang, Henry Plummer (

Day 7 | West Yellowstone to Bozeman — Tampa

Pack for our return to Tampa and perhaps a little site seeing for some of the travelers. Travelers will depart from Bozeman International Airport.

Most, if not all of the activities and photo opportunities will be within 300 yards or less of the side of the road or the parking lot at the geyser basins etc. This is a very age friendly trip in regard to the distances traveled on foot. However, almost all of the area is 6000 Ft and higher in elevation. Those with any physical limitations are urged to consult with their physician about the suitability of the trip for their specific conditions. Theresa is a retired nurse and can offer limited advice and treatment throughout the tour.

Gateway Airport is Bozeman, Montana. Please arrange your airfare after receiving receipt for your deposit. Arrival window in Bozeman is between 12 Noon and 4 PM on May 22, 2024, with departure after 12 noon on May 28, 2024. Search Priceline ( or Orbitz ( for airfares from your home city.

Expert instruction is provided throughout the PhotoTour. If we have a rain day, instruction in various editing software will be provided. Critiques of your photos are also available.

Early Registration Sale — (Total of 4 people) $1250 per person.
Registration fee covers all ground transportation including pickup and return to Bozeman Airport, admission fee to YNP. It does not cover meals, lodging or airfare. We have negotiated a group rate at a hotel or you are welcome to use your accumulated hotel nights, air miles etc.

After the 4 slots fill, we have 4 additional slots available. Cost per person goes to $1999. The registration fee of covers all ground transportation, admission fee to YNP, GTNP, pickup and return transportation to the airport in Bozeman.

Not covered are any incidentals, meals, roundtrip airfare, tips. There are several discounts available. If you have traveled on a prior FCCP PhotoTour, you may deduct 10% from the tour cost.

Discounted room rate has been negotiated in West Yellowstone. Cost per room for 6 days is $1350. You’re welcome to book your own room in West Yellowstone.

A deposit of $1000 per person is required to hold your spot. The balance is due no later than February 1, 2024. After that date an administrative fee of $500 will be deducted from your refund. No refunds within 60 days of the start of the tour unless the space can be filled.

Photo of Florida Center for Creative Photography group
Florida Center for Creative Photography
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Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport
850 Gallatin Field Rd · Belgrade, MT
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