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GraphQL integration with Flutter

Photo of Marie-Christin Brinkmeier
Hosted By
Marie-Christin B.
GraphQL integration with Flutter


This is an in-person event only!

GraphQL is a flexible and efficient alternative to REST. A GraphQL server exposes a single endpoint, from where the client can transfer exactly the data it needs. It aims to combine the simplicity of REST with the flexibility of SQL. Among other things, GraphQL queries include only the fields actually needed, can resolve nested relations in a single query without complicated joins, and have a standardized paging mechanism.

Based on an example project, this talk shows how to interact with a public GraphQL API using Flutter. We are going to look at authentication, sending both static queries and dynamic ones with variables, and writing data using mutations. Additionally, we will also explore how to parse the related JSON models based on the GraphQL schema instead of handcrafted code.

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