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Last call for tomorrow's Sing Out Jam Out!

From: Rick M.
Sent on: Friday, November 30, 2007, 9:31 AM
Hello best folkies in the world,

Just a friendly personal reminder from your devoted organizer that all systems are go for tomorrow's Sing/Jam. So far, 13 people have RSVP'd Yes and 9 Maybe. We really appreciate it when you RSVP or update your Maybe, so if you know what you'll be up to tomorrow, please RSVP or change your Maybe. It would please me to see zero Maybe RSVPs by tomorrow morning!

We're also seeing an increased number of "no shows" after replying Yes. Let's nip that in the bud. Our record on Yes attendees has been stellar until recently. Your accurate RSVP is helpful to me in setting up the space.

So bring your big, loud, happy voices, your instruments, Rise Up Singing and something to quench your thirst, and we'll see you tomorrow at 2 pm. Please try to arrive on time if at all possible. (New copies of Rise Up Singing will be for sale for $19. Please remember our "borrow one time only" policy.)

RSVP here (scroll down to Our next Meetup):

Keep on singin', jammin' and a-grinnin,'

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