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Good news about SOJO's continuity!

From: Rick M.
Sent on: Monday, January 14, 2008, 11:12 AM
Rebecca Dunn, the manager of the building where we've been meeting has informed me that SOJO can continue using the space after I leave! Isn't that great news?!?

I know many of you like the space because of the convenience to metro and handicap facilities, and let's face it, the price is quite reasonable. So it appears you can call off the search for alternate locations!

Rebecca has only asked for a contact person's name, address and phone number, as well as a back up. She didn't mention a change in price, so we can assume for now it will remain at $25 an hour. I'm sure one reason she's allowing you all to continue is because we leave the room in the same or better condition than we find it. I know I don't have to remind you to do that, but please bear in mind that it is important to do so.

The one caveat she noted is that you can use it "subject to availability." No cause for alarm, I think she just means if a resident needs it at a time you usually have it reserved, the resident has priority. I asked for clarification on this point.

The likelihood of a resident reserving and renting the room are virtually nil. In my two years living there I have never known it to be reserved. The party room, yes. Our community room, no. In any case, I'm sure Rebecca would give the contact person advance notice and you could reschedule or cancel that particular meeting. I can't imagine that happening more than once a year, if that.

So onward!

You WILL keep singin' and jammin' and a-smilin' (and that makes me smile),

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