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Message from SOJO member Danielle about starting up a new A Cappella group

From: Rick M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 10:27 AM
I copied and pasted this note from Danielle from our message board for maximum exposure:

Hi everyone! Hopefully it's ok for me to post this here.

As some of you may know, there are a good number of a cappella groups in the DC area. The only problem is that they're pretty small and some of them are very selective about the types of music they sing.

I'm interested in starting a co-ed group that sings rock, pop, folk, and maybe even some songs from musicals. I've been singing for 17 years and have sung in both choirs and college a cappella groups.

This group seems to be full of some great people, and I definitely think a group can only be successful if the people in it are enthusiastic about what they're doing. smile

If you're interested, either reply here or send me a message.

Again, I hope it was ok for me to post this here! I'm unable to make the meetup for this month but hopefully I can come out soon!

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