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Re: [book-swap-147] November book

From: user 4.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 10:16 AM
Thanks for mentioning the Philip Roth book. I am reading and enjoying it so far.

suzanne <[address removed]> wrote:
hi there. sorry we don't meet sooner. i want to let you know that i am also reading a very enjoyable book by philip roth called exit ghost. i don't think i've read him in , well years and years. now this is good writing.
regards to all,

On 10/22/07, Patricia <[address removed]> wrote:

 Hi Liz, Thanks!!

To: [address removed]
Subject: [book-swap-147] November book
From: [address removed]
Date: Mon, 22 Oct[masked]:42:44 -0400

Hi all,

Let's read On Chesil Beach, by Ian McEwan, for November's book. This was actuially a first-place tie with The Gathering, by Anne Enright in our poll, so if anyone wants to read The Gathering as well, please feel free. Both books are fairly short and the next meeting is over a month away so there should be time to do this if you want to.

Have a good week,


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