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Re: [book-swap-147] Last night and next month and 31 great New York Books

From: Rukhshan123
Sent on: Thursday, November 29, 2007, 3:25 PM
  Thank you for the list. Here are my picks (in no particular order):
The Assistant, Malamud
The Company She Keeps, Mary McCarthy
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Time and Again, Jack Finney
The Waterworks, E. L. Doctorow
-On a side note: I feel like reading something with a positive upswing. I don't know if I missed anything on the list. What can I say the holidays are coming up and I don't feel like reading anything too depressing =).  It doesn't need to make me feel  'warm and fuzzy'  (though that would be nice) , just not painfully tragic. Any suggestions to vote on would be appreciated!
Thanks, Rukhshan

Liz <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi all,

Thanks so much to everyone who came along last night and managed to turn a 208-page book into a two-hour discussion. I think the fact that we all had such stong views about what did or didn't happen to the characters in the end shows that, at the very least, it was an intriguing novel that caught everyone's imagination, despite the unfamiliar time and setting. Thanks especially for the comments about sex education in Britain. We are working on it.

In the meantime, attached is a list of the novels featured on the "100 Essential New York Books" kindly provided by John. If you could give me some feedback about authors, or titles, you'd be interested in reading from this list, I'll set up a poll with the 6 most popular by this Friday, November 30. Please vote over the weekend on the meetup site (I'll put a link to the poll in Friday's e-mail) and I'll send out the results on Monday lunchtime.

And, just to confirm, the next meeting will be Tuesday, December 18, NOT December 11 as it currently says on the meetup site. I will change the details as soon as I get home, for some reason I cannot access the site from work.

Thanks again for a great evening,


PS Does anyone want to meet up in the meantime to talk about The Gathering? I am about 15 pages into it and am loving it already. E-mail me if you're interested.

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