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Forest Hills book group December location

From: Karen D
Sent on: Sunday, November 30, 2008, 5:37 PM
Hello all,

We have a location for our next meeting, which was suggested by several members: Tierra Sana, at[masked] Queens Blvd., on the north-side of Queens Blvd. between 67th Rd and 67th Ave. Take the R, V or G to the 67th St. station and exit to the north. This is a vegan restaurant, with a large menu and reasonable prices. They're going to set up a space for us in the back with no music. They will also provide separate checks, but for whatever reason when they do so they automatically add the service charge. I figure that's okay, as long as we're all aware. Here's the web site if you want to preview the menu.


I'm moving the time up half an hour to 6:30, since (hopefully) no one will be coming from work that day. Then we can get out a bit earlier to prepare for the workweek. So 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 14. See you then!


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