What we’re about
Calling all ladies 45+ for a chance to gather and connect with other ladies from the FM area. This includes the Cape, Bonita, Estero, etc. You can be here part time or full time. My idea for this group and specifically from starting it on MEET UP.com is because the Facebook group has grown to over 1200! Meet up will the an organized way to put all the events out there in one single location, PLUS we can set attendance limits on events where we are limited on space or just a smaller group needs to attend. The sub groups can be limitless. You can start as many events as you would like, just let me know. There is a $10 yearly dues to cover the cost of this Meetup group and it's fees plus it will be used for the annual event-picnic. Welcome and enjoy this group of fabulous women!!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me here on this page or email me directly at floridasherryw527@gmail.com